Welcoming Voices

Our first-ever podcast is now live!

Guided by our resident storyteller, Santiago Tijerina we're diving into season one spotlighting the exciting work happening here at IWC. But there's more to come—explore discussions on local and national immigration policies, community achievements, and tales from the heart of our vibrant immigrant life. Tune in now and follow IWC on social media for updates.

Episode 1: iEnglish Project

Think about some of the most important challenges facing new immigrants when coming to the United States: English language acquisition, digital literacy, economic integration. Imagine taking on these challenges simultaneously. That is the mission of the iEnglish Project—one of four programs spearheaded by the Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center (IWC).

Episode 2: Community Integration Initiative

Think about some of the most important challenges facing immigrants when integrating into the community: Becoming citizens, navigating society, or even feeling a sense of belonging in their communities. That is the mission of the Community Integration Initiative—one of four programs spearheaded by the Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center (IWC).

Episode 3: The Business Hub

Think about some of the most important challenges facing immigrant business owners today: Access to capital, the digital divide, and many more. The Business Hub was created to take on these challenges and to help immigrants understand, navigate and thrive as an integral part of the Maine business community.

Episode 4: Women Lead

Think about some of the most important challenges immigrant women face today: Economic self-sufficiency, guidance in professional and entrepreneurial skill sets, and empowerment. Women Lead was created to take on these challenges and center the strengths and needs of immigrant women building new lives in Greater Portland.