Vote for the IWC for the 2021 Better Neighbor Fund!
Dear Friends and Supporters,
This fall, Town & Country is giving away a total of $25,000 to eight charitable organizations across Southern Maine receiving the most votes on Town & Country’s website.
We are happy to report Immigrant Welcome Center is one of 25 non-profits to advance to the voting phase of Town & Country Federal Credit Union’s 2021 Better Neighbor Fund charitable giving campaign.
Voting begins on Friday, October 1st and concludes on Sunday, October 31st. The grant recipients will be selected based on which organization receives the most votes. You can vote once a day, every day during the month of October.
The IWC will use this grant to purchase 30-35 tablets to provide remote access to digital English language instruction for new Afghan immigrants.
The voting is easy! Please go to this link to vote! Please ask friends and neighbors to vote for us!